The Rules have changed . . . again. NOW is the time to be your own RULE CREATOR!
Midlife Unraveling (a Brené Brown-ism) is a rule breaker!
That unraveling may be like getting your feet tangled in a mess and falling flat on your face on an old broken brick road.
Everything you think you know changes. You lived by a set of rules and behaviors that no longer apply at this stage.
- Maybe you feel all alone now and wondering what to do next.
- Maybe no one needs you like before.
- Maybe you are wondering if this is ALL THERE IS.
I am here to tell you there is life after midlife! That’s why it’s call MID-life.
How in the world do you handle life without rules? You CREATE YOUR OWN RULES!
In my “Creative Rulings 90-Day Program”
I will show you how to cultivate GRACE, WISDOM, and COURAGE.
You will Walk On Water just like Peter did when he saw Jesus walking on water toward him. Peter got OUT of the BOAT and WALKED ON THE WATER. He had the COURAGE to STEP OUT onto the water.
Sure, we all fall like Peter did “when he looked down at the waves churning beneath his feet, he lost his nerve and started to sink,” BUT . . . YOU will courageously learn to give yourself GRACE and gain WISDOM by listening to that still small voice inside you.
Allow me to coach you for 90 days to CREATE your own Rebel Rules
and learn to live your own unique way for the rest of your life!